What have Green Councillors ever done for me?


With just one Green Councillor we have


  • Proposed a Climate Emergency Motion to the Council
  • Helped plant 100's of trees
  • Cleared A LOT of local litter
  • Volunteered 100's of hours in our community
  • Called the council to account 
  • Petitioned leaders where we have seen injustice
  • Responded to the local Council plan
  • Delivered 1000's of leaflets containing helpful information to local residents


Green Councillors take their commitment to their constituents seriously and will be an active part of your community. Helping with local issues, food deliveries, keeping the neighboood clean, standing up for  you when you think no one is listening and whatever else you need.

We provide regular memeber newsletters on recent local events / council policies that could effect you and invite everyone to be a part of and have a say in local politics. 


"Green Party councillors are bridge builders and consensus builders for whom ‘actions speak louder than words’. Even one lone Green voice can change the debate, challenge the status quo and ensure local people concerned about climate change and social justice have an effective voice."


Imagine what we could do with more....

Help us get more elected!



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