18 November 2023


After the euphoria of the election wins and taking over the running of the Council as a progressive alliance of Greens, Labour and Independents, we had to face the immediate issues facing us. These included a) working to the budget set by the Conservatives b) taking on the overall management of the process of combining the staff at Stafford Borough Council with staff at Cannock Chase District Council c) major concerns re Stafford town centre, especially the North end d) a large backlog in the planning department.

There was also the need to change the culture at the Council. It seems that the Conservatives had only 2 priorities : 1. support local businesses and growth 2. Minimise expenditure to keep the Council tax as low as possible.

With regard to staffing, and the amalgamation of the staff in the two authorities, Tim Clegg was already Chief Executive for both authorities and the senior management team for the 2 authorities was already in place, apart from the post , Head of Regulatory Services, which was the post which will have responsibility for Climate Action. The officer in charge of action relating to climate change had resigned and a new appointment has only just been made.

The new cabinet

Aidan Godfrey (Labour) was elected Leader of the Council. He appoints the Cabinet and the following were given responsibilities as follows : Aidan Godfey – Development of Council housing. Rob Kenney (Independent) – Deputy Leader  and responsible for Town Centre regeneration Gillian Pardesi (Labour) – Leisure Ian Fordham (Independent) Environment Jill Hood ( Independent) Community and Health Ant Read (Labour) Planning Ralph Cooke ( Finance) Tony Pearce ( Climate Action and Nature Recovery) 

The priorities

At an early stage we discussed our priorities. These were amended later but these are the final versions with information on what progress has been made on achieving them.


1/ Stafford Town Centre Regeneration.

To improve Stafford town centre, north end. This process to start now. What can be done now to improve the area?

Lead- Councillor Rob Kenney, Deputy Leader.

You will be aware that the work on the market square is almost complete. The decision to purchase the old Co-op department store has also been made public. The plan is to demolish the building and create a new one which will have the market on the ground floor, with the entrance in Goalgate St and above and behind it council flats. There is the possibility of further purchase of buildings and creation of more affordable housing.

2/ Provide council owned social housing.

Over the life of this new council, introduce as many housing units as possible for rent to local people.Lead- Councillor Aidan Godfrey, Leader of the Council and Councillor Jill Hood, Community Cabinet member.

We are fortunate, with the combination of staff with Cannock Chase District Council, that we will have access to a Housing Department – Cannock still has its Council housing stock. The first development will be the flats referred to above, but there will be others.

3/ A ‘root and branch’ look at the Planning.

Improvements must be made quickly to improve performance and to regain public confidence in this department.

Lead, Councillor Ant Reid, Economic Development Cabinet member.

Also, Councillor Brendan McKeown, Chair of the Planning Committee and Councillor Tony Nixon Vice Chair of the Planning Committee.

Some progress has been made. The backlog has been reduced. More needs to be done

4/ Leisure, Freedom Leisure Contract.

To establish a better understanding of the relationship between FL and SBC. To seek improvements to the service provided. Start work on any future contract for Leisure Services Management.

Lead- Councillor Gillian Pardesi, Leisure Cabinet member and Councillor Ralph Cooke, Cabinet member for Resources.

Discussions have been held with Freedom Leisure and some improvements have taken place. 

5/ Local Plan.

To understand the process so far and if necessary, suggest improvements.

Lead- Councillor Ant Reid, Economic Development Cabinet member and Councillor Tony Pearce, Climate Change Cabinet member.

Workshops with Cabinet members have taken place. More are planned. Most responses to the consultation which took place last year are in relation to the proposed Garden Village at Meecebrook. A great deal of work and money has gone into developing this concept. However, circumstances have changed, principally the withdrawal of the MOD land at Swynnerton from the project which now means it would all be on greenfield land. There have also been changes in national guidance which will affect the Local Plan.

6/ Climate Action and Nature Recovery

We will draw up, and make substantial progress in implementing, a sustainability strategy for tackling the climate and biodiversity crises including achieving net zero carbon emissions as soon as possible but no later than 2035.

 The current strategy does not provide a road map for achieving net zero carbon emissions or nature recovery within the Council or in the wider community. Such a road map should have interim targets or milestones and set out what actions the Council will take during each period. It also needs to make clear what the Council will be doing to encourage and enable the wider community to reduce its carbon footprint and become more sustainable

Up until recently there were no staff to help implement this priority. The senior officer who will lead on this has not yet taken up her appointment. There is still no budget. However, a number of developments are taking place which will take us forward. 1) Although not formally agreed, I believe we will be funding the use of Hydrated Vegetable Oil instead of diesel for the waste collection fleet and the Council’s own vehicles instead of diesel. 2} The Council is applying for funding to install solar panels on the roofs of the 2 leisure centres 3) We are about to launch our bid to become a Bee Friendly Borough which will include a review of moving strategy by Streetscene and purchase of more appropriate machinery. This will require a consultation exercise. 4) Staff and councillors will be given training on reducing our carbon footprint. 5) Councillors will be given training on how to be ambassadors for Climate Action in their own areas. 6) The Community Climate Panel has been encouraged to change its terms of reference to include being a ‘critical friend’ of the Council in its efforts to become Carbon Neutral and promote Nature Recovery. 7) The new member of staff is working on a plan to reduce the Borough Council’s carbon footprint 8) We are working on how to best use the new Biodiversity Net Gain planning provisions to benefit the Borough.

Other Cabinet issues

We have had consultations on revised regulation of public open spaces and licensing of sex establishments should any applications to create them be received.

There was a sum of money available which had been put aside for Cost of Living Support. It was agreed to allocate funds to support work in schools to combat domestic violence and hate crime, mental health support, activities for asylum seekers and support for community cohesion. For the first time, it seems, a report was given from the Staffordshire Sustainability Board which includes 10 pledges for all the local authorities involved and a detailed report on provision of EV charging points. The Cabinet also agreed to cease growing plants at the nursery in Riverway. It seems that we have been buying in plug plants and growing them on there. The boilers need replacing and rather than do that, we will buy the fully grown plants which, it seems, don’t cost much more. The two staff there will be retained and utilised to support work in the parks. I made the point that we need to ensure that the people we buy from are using a carbon – efficient method of growing and that in the longer term we should be looking at having more perennials rather than annuals.

We are currently looking at two difficult issues – the price for the brown bins was held in the last budget but a 14% increase built in for this year. We could hold the price as it is but that would have a severe impact on the budget for next year and delay the transfer to HVO fuel. Also, last year, those on benefits who had been paying at 20% of the normal rate of council tax were given a free year. This was funded by each of the precepting authorities agreeing to forego the income that would have been received. We might be willing to continue to forego our share but others are not. Discussions are ongoing on this. Market traders are having a difficult time at present. Consideration is being given to holding rents at their current level

Outside bodies

Some of these are appointed by the Council. Tony was given the Friends of the Windmill which met recently. They have been going through a difficult time with a number of the original members having passed away. There are only 3 left now. It is set up as a limited company. They do have some funds and there is a possibility that they may receive funding from the Stafford Carnegie Library Trust which is being wound up.

Other bodies specify cabinet members to represent the Council. Tony is  the representative on Cannock Chase AONB Board, Vice Chair and representative on the FIPL assessment board, Cannock Chase SAC Partnership and Chair of that, Staffordshire Sustainability Board and Staffordshire Nature Recovery Strategy Board.


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