2 June 2024

Help Stafford & Stone with their election ambitions, and get Green Candidates on the ballot paper.

We are a small political party that relies on donations from individuals like you. Stafford and Stone have big electoral ambitions, and we want to bring you along with us, one of the easiest things you can do to support us is to make a small donation now.

Right now we need to try and raise £1000 in order to pay the deposits for our general election candidates.

  • £5 will print enough leaflets to deliver to 60 houses.

  • £20 will print enough canvas cards to cover a quarter of a local council ward.

  • £150 will print enough leaflets to cover a whole local council ward.

Your small donation can make a big difference.



Fundraising Link (Stafford & Stone) 2024 - Get Greens Elected!



Promoted on behalf of Stafford and Stone Green Party, 19, Carisbrooke Drive, Stafford. ST17 9JY