
Report November 2019

29 November 2019

Keeping you up to date with what your Green Councillor has been up to. Hopefully some useful information and if you would like to get involved in anything mentioned below, or if you have any other areas you would like for us to be more involved in just let us know.

General Election Candidates

03 November 2019

Stafford and Stone Green Party have selected their candidates for the up coming General Election.

Report September 2019

30 September 2019

Keeping you up to date with what your Green Councillor has been up to. Hopefully some useful information and if you would like to get involved in anything mentioned below, or if you have any other areas you would like for us to be more involved in just let us know

Is he really the wrong man for the job?

06 July 2019

The problem with Natural England is that it is too closely linked to DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs). Natural England is independent of government but the Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has the legal power to issue guidance to Natural England on various matters, a constraint that was not placed on its predecessor.

Is all this building sustainable?

23 June 2019

Why are so many houses being built in Stafford? As a newly elected councillor, I am beginning to find out. Of course, it is a nice place to live, and people want to live here, but the major increases in housing are taking away many of our green spaces, putting extra traffic on the roads, removing wildlife habitat, including many trees and in short, making it a worse environment for people and wildlife.

Report June 2019

20 June 2019

The Corporate Business Plan has been the subject of three briefings. It was apparently agreed a year ago and is intended to last another 2 years. The main problem is that it is all about growth. The introduction states that ‘Growth, wellbeing and financial sustainability are the council’s key objectives over the next three years. No mention of environmental issues there. When we had the financial briefing, all became clear. Government grant to the Council has been reduced by over 70% - but the Council has been able to offset most of this by securing Government growth funding – grants linked to the number of new houses and businesses being built.

Green Minded Communities - Leading from the Front

08 June 2019

Stafford is full of generous, hardworking people who are making a difference. Many reject the over-consumption of food and the waste of food resulting in the first ‘social café’ opening in Stafford thanks to the efforts of community groups. This year’s ‘Repair Café’ held at the Littleworth Community Centre illustrates the potential for repairing goods rather than replacing them. When I do the Park Run along the Isabel Trail on a Saturday morning the marshals, all voluntary, wave us off. Along the route we pass a group of Stafford Litter Heroes clutching bulging black bin bags full of litter keeping the trail free of rubbish for walkers, runners and wildlife.

When will we ever learn to protect our oceans?

08 June 2019

The intensive nature of fish farming necessitates overcrowding of sea ‘cages’, which results in excrement and waste escaping into the surrounding sea, contaminating the area. There are continuing problems tackling parasitic sea lice which attach themselves to the skin of the fish and can be transferred to passing wild salmon and little progress has been made in tackling environmental problems since 2002, that is 16 years ago.

Can you beelieve it?

01 June 2019

Bees have been pollinating flowers for 120 million or more years; they’re extremely good at it. The idea that we could build something anywhere near as amazing, environmentally friendly and cost-effective is ridiculous.

Greens Win Council Seat!

03 May 2019

With a huge 58.8% of the vote, Tony Pearce wins the Doxey & Castletown council seat for the Greens.

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