
Greens call for investment plan for local authorities to insulate and upgrade millions of homes

23 April 2022

A £250 billion investment plan for local authorities is needed to insulate and upgrade 10 million homes. This is the key demand of Greens ahead of next month’s local elections and as households face a cost of living crisis.

Greens to invest in public transport and cycling revolution

16 April 2022

Green Party councillors will prioritise funding public transport as well as cycling and walking infrastructure if elected in the local elections.

All adults should have access to free social care

08 April 2022

The Green Party has pledged to campaign for fully funded social care for all adults, which would put social care on a par with the NHS.

Greens plan to create thousands of jobs through retrofit revolution

03 April 2022

The Green Party has called for a massive programme to create secure, well-paid jobs by insulating thousands of homes

Greens call on government to allow councils to help Ukrainian refugees

25 March 2022

Green Party/Green councillors have called on the government to provide local authorities with the funds necessary to be able to provide Ukrainian refugees with proper support.

Councillor Report - March 2022

25 March 2022

Motion re divestment of fossil fuels Housing Plus Group Community Panel – Climate Change Planning applications

Greens pledge to tackle cost of living crisis with a retrofit revolution

19 March 2022

Green Party/Green councillors have pledged to tackle growing levels of fuel poverty and the cost of living crisis by supporting a retrofit revolution.

Ukraine - Green Party statement

24 February 2022

The Green Party deplores the invasion of Ukraine and condemns the unprovoked aggression against a sovereign nation in the strongest terms. The party calls for immediate and stringent sanctions on Russia.

Fossil Fuel Council Motion

16 January 2022

We are calling the council to take action on fossil fuel investments

Small Business Saturday

04 December 2021

Small Business Saturday: Stafford & Stone Green Party calls for measures to help the ‘backbone of our local economy’ green their operations and improve employee welfare.

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