
Greens will fight for Green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic across the country

26 March 2021

The Green Party has pledged to fight for a Green Recovery from the coronavirus pandemic by providing good quality, sustainable jobs for communities across England and Wales.

Greens support call for ‘State of Nature’ amendment in Environment Bill

20 March 2021

“We live in one of the most nature-depleted nations in the world, with 15% of our species on the brink of extinction and just under half of UK wildlife in long term decline. Now more than ever, the government must listen to these demands and protect the natural world they are failing so badly.”

Road building and airport expansion must be scrapped say Greens

14 March 2021

In order to limit air pollution to healthy levels there needs to be a radical overhaul in the transport sector. The Greens would revolutionise transport by ending the dependence on carbon, using clean energy alternatives and investing in public transport to get people out of cars and onto trains and buses.

The ‘build back better budget’? .... I don’t think so!

13 March 2021

Environmental campaigners and analysts described the measures announced in the budget as a, “drop in the ocean”, compared to what is needed to address the climate crisis. Summed up with the government’s commitment to open a coal mine in Cumbria, mining coking coal to go to Europe.

Greens demand VAT for retrofit is cut to ensure warmer homes for communities

06 March 2021

The Green Party is calling on the government to cut VAT for refurbishment and retrofitting works to lower energy consumption and ensure everybody has access to a warm home.

Help this Bill get through

27 February 2021

The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill would ensure that the UK, ‘plays its fair and proper role’ in limiting global temperatures to 1.5 by taking account of the UKs entire carbon footprint, including consumption emissions released overseas as a result of goods manufactured abroad for use in the UK in doing so this would actively improve the natural world by protecting and restoring the UKs ecosystems and ending the damage to nature caused by supply chains.

Councillor Report - February 2021

27 February 2021

I therefore move that Cabinet consider the development of a Tree Strategy which will: (1) Increase the number of trees on Council owned land by direct planting or enabling community - led planting of saplings (2) Involve working with other public and private land owners in the Borough with a view to increasing the level of tree cover (3) In doing so, aim to get an extra 10,000 trees planted by 2023 (4) Develop a network of volunteer tree wardens throughout the Borough whose role will be to map the location of existing mature trees and report on and monitor their condition, notifying the Council of any threat to their continued existence’ The motion was defeated as the controlling group voted against it. However, an assurance was given that a Tree Strategy was in preparation. At the full Council meeting in November 2020, an assurance was again given that a tree strategy was in preparation. It is perhaps worth noting a) that the tree planting season for the Spring is almost over and b) that trees play a crucial role in helping to prevent flooding. Whilst fully accepting that Covid 19 has caused delays in policy development, it would be helpful if the Cabinet Member for the Environment could give an update on the development of the Tree Policy and, as a first step, it is suggested that contact is made with the Tree Council to establish a trial tree warden scheme in one of the wards in the Borough.

Let’s look on the bright side for a change!

17 January 2021

This year, many more people began to see the importance of the natural world to us all and environmental destruction, industrialization of crop and livestock farming, wildlife exploitation and trafficking and human disease are part of the same continuum.

Happy New Year! - It Pays to be Positive

03 January 2021

I know that sometimes it is easier said than done. While not everyone is an eternal optimist, a positive outlook is good for your mental, emotional and physical health, so I hear! It has been a most strange, disturbing year and absolutely devastating for some, so hopefully 2021 will bring in some much needed light and positivity.

Council report November 2020

28 November 2020

Details of our push for a more rigorous climate change and green recovery strategy and localised more effective track and trace.

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